After declining a grad school acceptance offer to Chatham University's Falk School of Sustainability, Kathleen took a position as an aquaponics greenhouse manager in Alabama where she learned a great deal about commercial aquaponics, including inappropriate ventilation and poorly designed structures. After leaving her position in Alabama, she was given several good job offers and ended up accepting a Garden Manager position for a company based in Atlanta, GA. She will be transferring to a permanent position as Garden Manager for their Highlands, NC branch in early 2015. Planters, Inc. is very open to and currently employs sustainable practices, but she looks forward to helping them develop even greater sustainability in the years to come.
I would say that my college career at ASU was the most difficult yet the most wonderfully rewarding career of my lifetime! My work and time spent as a student in the Sustainable Development Department at Appalachian taught me not only academic information about sustainability, but also how to engage in critical thinking and intelligent, productive debate. I learned the process of locating, assimilating and compiling reliable information as well as how to productively gain positive results. It was the opportunity of a lifetime for me! I will be forever grateful for what I learned and also for the wonderful relationships built while I was there with fellow students and faculty.