Research and Teaching Interests
Matt's research and teaching revolve around broad-scale below and above ground patterns and processes within coupled human and natural systems as well as socio-ecological systems and includes biodiversity characterization for the basis of conservation and sustainable utilization, climate change science, sustainable agriculture and food production systems, ethnoscience (including traditional biotechnological practices), land use patterns, waste management, microbial diversity, environmental and systems integrity, landscape preservation, and pollution ecology.
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea Rep., 2019
MSc., Plant Diversity and Conservation, University of Benin, Nigeria, 2015
BSc., Plant Biology and Biotechnology, University of Benin, Nigeria, 2010
SD 2610 Science for Sustainability
Dr. Ogwu is an integrated ecologist and naturalist with transdisciplinary skills pertinent to the assessment of coupled human and natural systems and socio-ecological systems. He is an Assistant Professor in the Goodnight Family Sustainability Development Department at Appalachian State University. After receiving his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Geographical and Microbial Ecology) from Seoul National University, Korea Rep., he worked as a Researcher at the Centre for Floristic Research of the Apennines, Italy. Before that, Matt was a Lecturer at the University of Benin, Nigeria, where he taught courses in plant biology and biotechnology, biometry, economic botany, cytogenetics, etc. and supervised honors student' theses. Dr. Ogwu is the recipient of numerous international scholarships and awards. His research focuses on sustainable development issues arising from various scales of biogeographical interactions and has presented his findings at various international conferences. Matt has attended numerous professional courses and serves on the board of and as a reviewer for many peer-reviewed international journals. He continues to volunteer his skills to promote sustainable community development, especially in the Global South.
Representative Publications
Yang, Y., Shi, Y., Kerfahi, D., Ogwu, M.C., Wang, J., Dong, K., Takahashi, K., Moroenyane, I. and Adams, J.M. (2021). Elevation-related climate trends dominate fungal co-occurrence network structure and the abundance of keystone taxa on Mt. Norikura, Japan. Science of the Total Environment, 799(2021) 149368.
Ikhajiagbe, B. Ogwu, M.C., Ogochukwu, O.F., Odozi, E.B., Adekunle, I.J. and Omage, Z.E. (2021). The place of neglected and underutilized legumes in human nutrition and protein security. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
Masumuzzaman, Md., Evivie, S.E, Ogwu, M.C., Bailiang, L., Jin-Cheng, D., Wan, L., Guicheng, H., Fei, L. and Song, W. (2021). Genomic and in vitro properties of the dairy Streptococcus thermophilus SMQ-301 strain against selected pathogens. Food and Function, 12(8): 7017 – 7028.
Ikhajiagbe, B. and Ogwu, M.C. (2021). Growth performance of ferulic acid composition of Amaranthus [L.] species and Mitracarpus villosus (Sw.) DC. in competition with weed species. Environmental Sustainability,
Erinle, K.O., Ogwu, M.C., Evivie, S.E., Zaheer, M.S., Ogunyemi, S.O. and Adeniran, S.O. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture and food security in developing countries: potential mitigation strategies. CAB Reviews, 16(16): 1 – 16.
Ikhajiagbe, B., Atoe, R., Ogwu, M.C., and Loveniers, P-J. (2021). Changes in Telfaria occidentalis leaf morphology, quality and phytochemical composition under different local preservation regimes. VEGETOS – International Journal of Plant Research and Biotechnology, 31(1): 29 – 36.
Ikhajiagbe, B., Ogochukwu, O.F., and Ogwu, M.C. (2021). Shelf life, fruit quality and safety of banana fruits ripened through traditional ripening techniques in Nigeria. International Journal of Fruit Science,
Ogwu, M.C. (2020). Value of Amaranthus [L.] species in Nigeria. In: Nutritional Value of Amaranth. Waisundara, V. (ed.). IntechOpen, UK. 1 – 21pp.
Evivie, S.E., Ogwu, M.C., Ebabhamiegbebho, P.A., Abel, E.S., Imaren, J.O. and Igene, J.O. (2020). Packaging and the Nigerian food industry: challenges and opportunities. In: Food Technology and Culture in Africa. Ogunlade, C.A., Adeleke, K.M. and Oladejo, M.T. (eds). Reamsworth Publishing, Ibadan, Nigeria. 28 – 99pp
Evivie, S.E., Ogwu, M.C., Abdelazez, A., Bian, X., Liu, F., Li, B. and Huo, G. (2020). Suppressive effects of streptococcus thermophilus KLDS 3.1003 on some foodborne pathogens revealed through in vitro, in vivo and genomic insights. Food and Function, 11: 6573 – 6587.
Ogwu, M.C. (2019). Lifelong Consumption of Plant-Based GM Foods: Is It Safe? In: Environmental Exposures and Human Health Challenges. Papadopoulou, P., Misseyanni, A. and Marouli, C. (eds.). IGI Global, Pennsylavnia, USA. 158 – 176pp.
Conti, F., Proietti, E., Ogwu, M.C., Gubellini, L. and Bartolucci, F. (2019). Re-evaluation of Senecio apenninus (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). Willdenowia, 49(3): 329 – 341.
Ogwu, M.C. (2019). Towards Sustainable Development in Africa: The Challenge of Urbanization and Climate Change Adaptation. In: The Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa. Cobbinah, P.B. and Addaney, M. (eds.). Springer Nature, Switzerland. 29 – 55pp.
Kerfahi, D., Ogwu, M.C., Ariunzaya, D., Balt, A., Davaasuren, D., Enhmandal, O., Purevsuren, T., Batbaatar, D., Tibbett, M., Undrakhbold, S., Boldgive, B. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Metal tolerant fungal communities are delineated by high zinc, lead and copper concentrations in metalliferous Gobi Desert soils. Microbial Ecology,
Evivie, E.R., Ogwu, M.C., Cang, W., Xu, R. and Li, J. (2019). Progress and prospects of glucosinolate pathogen resistance in some brassica plants. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(2): 556 – 567.
Ogwu, M.C. (2019). Understanding the Composition of Food Waste: An “-Omics” Approach to Food Waste Management. In: Global Initiatives for Waste Reduction and Cutting Food Loss. Gunjal, A.P., Waghmode, M.S., Patil, N.N. and Bhatt, P. (eds). IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. 212 – 236pp.
Song, H-K, Singh, D., Tomlinson, K., Yang, X., Ogwu, M.C., Slick, J.W.F. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Tropical forest conversion to rubber plantation in southwest China results in lower fungal beta diversity and reduced network complexity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, fiz092,
Ogwu, M.C., Kerfahi, D., Song, H-K., Dong, K., Seo, H, Lim, S., Srinivasan, S., Kim, M.K., Waldman, B. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Changes in soil taxonomic and functional diversity resulting from gamma irradiation. Scientific Reports 9: 7894. 4441-7
Ogwu, M.C., Takahashi, K., Dong, K., Song, H-S., Moroenyane, I., Waldman, B. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Fungal elevational Rapoport pattern from a high mountain in Japan. Scientific Reports, 9: 6570.
Ogwu, M.C., Srinivasan, S., Dong, K., Ramasamy, D., Waldman, B. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Community Ecology of Deinococcus in an Irradiated Soil. Microbial Ecology.
Kerfahi, D., Tripathi, B.M., Slik, J.W.F, Sukri, R.S., Jaafar, S., Dong, K., Ogwu, M.C., Kim. H- K. and Adams, J.M. (2019). Soil metagenome of tropical white sand heath forests in Borneo: What functional traits are associated with an extreme environment within the tropical rainforest? Pedosphere, 29(1): 12–23.
Vwioko, D.E., Okoekhian, I. and Ogwu, M.C. (2018). Stress analysis of Amaranthus hybridus L. and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Exposed to Sulphur and nitrogen dioxide. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, 41(3): 1169 – 1191.
Ogwu, M.C., Osawaru, M.E. and Obahiagbon, G.E. (2017). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for traditional reproductive care by Usen people of Edo State, Nigeria. Malaya Journal of Biosciences, 4(1): 17 – 29.
Ogwu, M.C., Osawaru, M.E. and Obayuwana, K.O. (2016). Diversity and abundance of tree species in the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture, 21(3): 46- 54.
Ogwu, M.C., Osawaru, M.E. and Ahana, C.M. (2014). Challenges in conserving and utilizing plant genetic resources (PGR). International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, 6(2): 16 – 22.
Ogwu, M.C. and Oladeji, T.S. (2014). Effect of municipal waste effluent on albino rats [Rattus norvegicus (Amori)]. Italian Journal of Occupation and Environmental Hygiene, 5(1): 4- 10.
Ogwu, M.C., Osawaru, M.E. and Chime, A.O. (2014). Comparative assessment of plant diversity and utilization patterns of tropical home gardens in Edo State, Nigeria. Scientia Africana, 13(2): 146 – 162.
Osawaru, M.E., Ogwu, M.C., Chime, A.O. and Ebosa, A.B. (2014). Weed flora of University of Benin in terms of diversity and richness using two ecological models. Scientia Africana, 13(2): 102 – 120.
Osawaru, M.E., Ogwu, M.C. and Dania-Ogbe, F.M. (2013). Morphological assessment of the genetic variability among 53 accessions of West African Okra [Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels] from South Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 21(3): 227 – 238.

Title: Assistant Professor
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2493