Research & Teaching Interests
Global & US environmental literary and cultural studies; environmental humanities; social & environmental justice; intersectionality of class, precarity, and labor environmentalism; and creative nonfiction environmental writing
PhD, Literature and Environment Program, University of Nevada, Reno
MA, American Studies, Utah State University
BA, English, College of William and Mary
Courses Taught
Environmental Humanities for Social Change; Labor, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development; Voices in Sustainable Development; Environmental Justice: Literature, Theory, Practice; Environmental Justice and Sustainability; Literature and the Environment; Nature and Labor in Appalachian Literature; Principles of Sustainable Development; Reading Environmental Justice in Latin America; Reading Sustainable Development in Malawi; Readings in Education for Sustainability; Senior Seminar in Sustainable Development; Sustainable Development in the Modern World System
Westerman, Jennifer. "The Imprint Theory of Childhood," Solastalgia: An Anthology of Emotion in a Disappearing World, edited by Paul Bogard, UVA P, 2023.
Westerman, James. When Sustainability Managers Greenwash: SDG Fit and Effects on Job performance and Attitudes, Business and Society Review, vol. 127, no. 2, 2022, pp. 371-393.
Westerman, James, Lubna Nafees, and Jennifer Westerman. "Cultivating Support for the Sustainable Development Goals, Green Strategy and Human Resource Management Practices in Future Business Leaders: The Role of Individual Differences and Academic Training," Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 12, 2021.
Westerman, James, Yalcin Acikgoz, Emmeline dePillis, and Jennifer Westerman. "The Sustainable Development Goals and Business Students' Preferences: An Exploratory Study," Journal of Business Ethics Education, vol. 17, 2020, pp. 1-16.
Cartabuke, Matthew, and Jim Westerman, Jacqui Bergman, Brian Whitaker, Jennifer Westerman, and Rafik Beekun. "Empathy as an Antecedent of Social Justice Attitudes and Perceptions." Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 157, no.3, 2019, pp. 605-615.
Westerman, Jim, and Sean Bergman, Jacqui Bergman, Brian Whitaker, Joe Daly, and Jennifer Westerman. “Does Social Justice Knowledge Matter in Sustainable Business Education? Effects on Student Attitudes.” Business, Peace, and Sustainable Development , vol. 2016, no. 9, 2016, pp. 34-54.
Westerman, Jennifer, and Jim Westerman, and Brian Whittaker. "Does Social Justice Knowledge Matter? Education for Sustainable Development and Student Attitudes." Environment, Development, and Sustainability , vol. 18, no.2, 2016, pp. 561-576.
Robertson, Christina, and Jennifer Westerman, eds. Working on Earth: Class and Environmental Justice, U of Nevada P, 2015.
Westerman, Jennifer. "Reinhabiting the Poor Farm in Memory and Landscape," edited by Christina Robertson and Jennifer Westerman, Working on Earth: Class and Environmental Justice, U of Nevada P, 2015.
Westerman, James and Erik Van Beek, Jennifer Westerman, and Brian Whitaker. "Ecological Values, Narcissism, and Materialism: A Comparision of Business Students in the United States and the Netherlands." International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development , vol. 8, no.1, 2014, pp. 94-113.
Bergman, Jaqui, and James Westerman, Sean Bergman, Jennifer Westerman, and Joe Daly. "Narcissism, Materialism, and Environmental Ethics in Business Students." Journal of Management Education, vol. 38, no. 4, 2014, pp. 489-510.
Westerman, James, and Jennifer Westerman. "Social Protest Novels in Management Education: Using Hawk's Nest to Enhance Stakeholder Analysis." Journal of Management Education, vol. 33, no. 6, 2009, pp. 659-75.
Westerman, Jennifer. "Heart of the Sky." Let There Be Night: Testimony on Behalf of the Dark, edited by Paul Bogard, U of Nevada P, 2008, pp. 193-8.

Title: Professor
Department: Sustainable Development
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6666